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We consider the following links very helpful. However, that does not mean
that we share the same opinion with all contents. As we cannot influence
the contents, we are not responsible for them.

Natural Horsekeeping

www.hit-horseconsult.de Active Stable - feeding systems
www.pferdepension-nackenberg.de Operating Active Stable of Daniela Scherzer
www.gut-osterloh.com Operating Active Stable for Performance Horses, many illustrated examples

www.proequo.it Organizziazione per la Protezione dei Cavalli

www.sabioni.it Dott. Stefano Sabioni
www.piedenaturale.it Franco Campanati
www.alexbrollo.com Alex has translated many english barefoot sites into Italian

Natural Hoof Care

www.hufkur.at meine spezielle Seite zur ganzheitlichen Hufpflege
und Ernährung (demnächst online)
www.pro-barhuf.de hervorragende Seite von Tina Gottwald
www.arianereaves.de/barhuf.html deutsche Übersetzungen von ironfreehoof.com und barefoothorse.com

www.hoofcure.com my special page on holistic hoofcare
www.thehorseshoof.com Yvonne Welz barefoot magazine
naturalhorsetrim forum internet barefoot discussion group
Gretchen Fathauer's barefoot page
www.equinepodiatry.net KC LaPierre High Performance barefoot trimming
www.aanhcp.org Jaime Jacksons Wild Horse barefoot trimming
www.hoofrehab.com Pete Ramey barefoot trimming

www.equethy.com Australian barehoof site
www.nohoof-nohorse.com Cheryl Sutor barefoot trimming
www.ironfreehoof.com Paige Poss barefoot trimming
www.barefoothorse.com Marjorie Smith barefoot trimming
www.barefoottrim.com Penzance barefoot trimming
www.hooftalk.com Bergy Bergeleen hoof care

www.barefoothorseitalia.it Associazione Barefoot Italia di non ferratura
www.proequo.it Organizziazione per la Protezione dei Cavalli
www.sabioni.it Dott. Stefano Sabioni
www.piedenaturale.it Franco Campanati
www.alexbrollo.com Alex has translated many english barefoot sites into Italian
www.cavalloscalzo.org Associazione Cavallo Scalzo

other countries:
www.horseman.gr Natural Horse Resource in Greece
www.cabcalor.be Natural Trimming in Belgium

Horse Nutrition

www.futteranalyse.com alles über Heuanalysen, ausgewogene Mineralstoffergänzung sowie orthomolekulare Fütterungsansätze bei Stoffwechselproblemen und Hufrehe (demnächst online)
www.equine-essentials.at Stoffwechselaktivierendes Zusatzfuttermittel
www.equineessentials.at Stoffwechselaktivierendes Zusatzfuttermittel

www.safergrass.org Feeding recommendations for foundered horses

Horsemanship & Bitless Riding

www.equinebehaviour.com Donald Newe - clinics and Bitless Bridle
www.bitlessbridle.com Bitless Bridle of Dr. Robert Cook
www.bitlessbridleitalia.it Bitless Bridle in Italia / Alberto Barozzi
www.horseman.gr Natural Horse Resource in Greece


© Fa. Wild Horse DI Sonja Appelt KEG ¦ Eibenweg 1
A-9241 Wernberg ¦ Austria ¦ cell phone:+43 664 918 1180

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