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HIT Active Stable Consulting

We are your consultant of the German company HIT (Hinrichs Innovation +
Technik) for Carinthia, Styria, Slovenia and northern Italy.
You'll find the detailed product descriptions with many examples, references
and press articles here.


Horse Management Optimisation

Natural herd management in an open HIT active stable – this is how it should be!

We are planning your HIT active stable system, based on the latest research
in horse behavior and medicine.
Roaming area with secured ground surfaces, easy-to-clean soft sleeping area, separated feeding areas for roughage, grain/minerals and heated waterer
to stimulate horse exercise – all planned with respect to your specific needs
and rationalized work.

Stabled with a paddock accessible at all times (24/7) – the best solution
for single horse stabling
We supply and install stable equipment and paddock fences without edges
and corners

Stabled in a wide spaced box – if there really is no other solution…
We supply and install boxes of renown makers as well as automated feeders

Automated Feeding Systems

We offer you computer controlled feeding systems of the German company HIT, that supply your horse “around the clock" with oats, concentrated feed and hay.
This improves the stomach/intestine and reduces the colic rate drastically,
whether you keep your horse stabled or in a natural group.


Sophienhof in Marchfeld near Vienna

Equiterra close to Linz/Austria




Horses are:























Watch a video about an Active Stable on YouTube:

Active Stable Nackenberg

Active Stable Wulf




© Fa. Wild Horse DI Sonja Appelt KEG ¦ Eibenweg 1
A-9241 Wernberg ¦ Austria ¦ cell phone:+43 664 918 1180

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